ATTENTION: Anyone Tired of Buying Bullsh*t "Get Rich Quick" Schemes

Make Money Sending Emails 
in 2024? - The Real Truth.

This is the Real-Deal -  How to Correctly Send Emails to People that Will Open, Click, and Buy - No Need to Buy Traffic!

Step by Step

Up & Running Fast

New Rules for 2024

Make Money

Email is Still #1

Work from Home 

Whenever You Want

Master Training

Get Rich Quick Schemes Do Not Work!!!

There's so many B.S. "get rich quick" schemes out there claiming that you just have to copy and paste an little link into their software and *boom*, you're making sales...or just set up their website and *poof*, you're driving a Ferrari. You pay your $9.95 just to find out that it was all just an idea. We all fall for these all the time because deep down inside, we WANT to believe it really works...

But, it's not just the fact that 99% of these "get rich quick" schemes are missing so many ingredients.. It's also they also seem to make so much sense on the sales page!

I'm gonna tell you a little secret right now ... the best way to make money TODAY, on the internet in 2024, was also the best way in 2020!... AND the best way in 2012!... and even when Prince was partying like it was 1999!!!

Nobody wants to tell you the truth because we all think the 'newest thing is the best - whether it's AI this or Crypto that, Copy paste funnels, affiliate marketing, Trick Google, FB, Whatsapp... or any other "new way" to make money - it all boils down to 'what works' and "what doesn't".

These challenges show you why most people give up before earning their for dollar..

Is it Really Possible to Send Emails and Make Money in 2024?

Before I answer that, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Harris Fellman.

For over 25 years, I've sold millions of dollars of digital products by sending emails, helping other people send emails, and getting people traffic from sending emails.

I currently own, the #1 email traffic company for people with digital products since 2013. I've also had many successful digital products of my own, and helped countless entrepreneurs with their own offers, too.

There are very few people on the planet that know email marketing as well as me (and my partners). While I don't know everything there is to know about makng money with digital products, I know A LOT— especially when it comes to using email lists to send traffic and make sales..

That's why I urge you to read this entire letter all the way to the end -- what I'm about to tell you could lead to best way for you to finally work  from home, giving you total time flexibility, freedom, and you only need about an hour or two a day.

The 3 Top Ways You Get Scammed by Get Rich Quickers

In the years I've spent running the #1 email traffic company in the world, I've watched 100's of offers and found out that, unfortunately, it's very easy to sell unethical 'get rich quick' schemes to an uneducated marketplace.. This is what I always say "watch out, this is where the unethical meet the uneducated -- and sometimes it's the same person".

Success isn't about flashy websites or the next big thing. I've seen hundreds of offers and thousands of people trying to make money with them; and the truth is that most of them just don't work - and the ones that do have too many "digital moving parts" and most people don't have the time or patience to really figure it out.

When you can successfully send emails, on the other hand, you can sell just about anything.

This is why setting up a proper email sending business is so attractive. Once you push get past the challenge of "setting it up", you've just got to spend less than an hour a day sending emails to your list. Depending on the size of the list, you'll get more and more clicks to whatever you're sending to... and more and more sales.

There's many ways to increase the size of your list - we show you a few ways, but by far the easiest requires no traffic at all. (From your standpoint, the emails just magically appear in your list ready to be sent to.) Clearly, the secret of making money sending emails is to have a SIMPLE SYSTEM with one simple task every day.

But where do you get get a simple system for setting up an email list, profiting from it, and growing it?? (I wonder)

Listen, if you're like most internet income seekers, you've probably tried a few get rich quick schemes that didn't work..

Unfortunately, with all of those get rich quick programs,
you usually run into one of the following problems:

They Don't Really Work

Listen, the sad truth is that 99% of the "make money with AI" or "copy my funnel" programs that you see out there just don't work. You spend hours and hours following the instructions, getting it set up... you even go out and buy a couple hundred dollars worth of traffic. Lo and behold, no sales. You think you must be doing something wrong, but the truth is - the page doesn't convert, you're not taught enough about AI prompts, or whatever other missing ingredient that leads to it ultimately failing. And WHY would it work?? Why would I sell a "magic money button" if I had one? I would just sit at home and click my own button whenever I wanted instead. Right?

YOU Don't Do the Work

 While the initial sales letter makes it sound "one step easy", it's never that easy. You buy a program because it makes you think you don't have to do any work to set it up. But, as you've found out, there's always more to do! You knew it when you clicked that 'buy button', but hey, you only paid $9.95 for the secret and now you know the secret - ah okay, the sales letter wasn't completely lying... of course I have to do some setup, but I don't bother because my itch got scratched and I know what the secret is. It's like knowing how a magic trick is done that you never perform. But you do actually want to make money, right?

There's Always More To Buy!

There's always something else...

... something more you need in order to make this money-making program actually make money... is it getting subscriptions to some software? buying traffic? hiring a copywriter? hiring a VA? learning how to talk to AI? and the list goes on and on!

(although, c'mon you only spent

$9.95 on that program, what did you expect??)

So where does that leave you?

Good question - where does this leave you?!?

Feeling bad about yourself and maybe a little pissed off because you've wasted so much of your time, money, and hope on trying to get someone else's 'magic money button' which just doesn't work..

Of course, you could always try figuring out how to create your own system. You know, read endless pages on hubspot, hire a mentor, enroll into some sort of bootcamp online courses, maybe upgrade to ChatGPT 4 and ask it for help, too!...

"Figuring it Out Yourself" comes with a new set of problems:

#1 You still won't KNOW WHAT WORKS till you try it.?

As someone trying to make their first few dollars on the internet, you probably just don't know what's real and what's not. So, you end up spending tons of time and a bit of money trying to figure it out. Most people give up before making their first dollar assuming that it's just not possible to make money - but the truth is, there's 100's of ways to do it; you're just not gonna find someone selling their 'magic money button' for ten bucks - makes sense, right?


Yes, it's true - doing your own research, hiring a mentor, and joining bootcamp courses is expensive. And without knowing what to spend your money on, it's three or four times more expensive because you have to buy more and more to get to the real solution.

It's depressing, because up until now, you've only had 2 options:

  1. Continue to buy cheap get rich quick schemes that don't work
  2. Spend a ton of time and money trying to figure it out yourself

There's never been a really great simple money making system option like Mailer Mastermind — an affordable, easy-to-use option that allows you to create YOUR OWN "magic money button" (we're not giving you ours, ha ha)..

But, don't just take my word for it... have a look below at some quick stats from TrafficForMe. I've never shown these stats publicly before - but they are real stats, from real people, getting real results 'sending emails & making money".

As you can see, these people have had amazing results sending emails.

You can too.

(Most of them do not use Mailer Mastermind, they had to develop their own systems and figure it out on their own.)

Imagine what it would be like to send emails that get delivered to real people and...

  • ...those people open your emails because they're curious
  • ...they click on your emails because they're interested
  • ...some of them buy what you're selling because it's a great fit for them
  • are finally making money every day

You can easily accomplish all these things with Mailer Mastermind and you don't have to figure it out on your own!

Introducing Mailer Mastermind 
Complete Software System to Make Money Sending Emails

Mailer Mastermind is first-of-its-kind proven email system that has gives you everything you need to simply set up your very own "magic button" and start making money sending emails in the first or second day..

Even if:

  •  you haven't yet made your first dollar online.
  •  you don't know what to sell.
  •  you want to sell your own products, too.
  •  you don't want to buy traffic.

Just go through the initial 2024 set up process that we teach you and you'll get access to our exclusive software that will give you everything else you need!!! You get messages for you to "swipe", learn what to send to, plus 500 contacts straight into your list.

Imagine what it would be like to send emails that get delivered to real people and...

  • ...those people open your emails because they're curious
  • ...they click on your emails because they're interested
  • ...some of them buy what you're selling because it's a great fit for them
  • are finally making money every day

You can easily accomplish all these things with Mailer Mastermind.

Here's What You Get:

#1 VIP Setup

Setting everything up properly has become more important than ever. Without knowing the new rules from Gmail & Yahoo that began in Feb 2024, you'll never get your emails to the inbox.

We provide you with step-by-step training. where to mail from, how to set it up, the 4 technical things all mailers must do, and finally train you on the 4 specific 'tech' settings you must get right.

#2 Exclusive Software 

At it's core, MailerMastermind, is an easy-to-use online software that lets you mail to 1000's of contacts even in multiple accounts all at the same time. Grab a swipe, put in your link, and hit send... and like an octopus with as many tentacles as you want -- MM will instruct your mailing platform to send them all out. You're gonna love it!

#3 Contacts

With MailerMastermind, we immediately include 500 contacts interested in your target market for you to mail to... as soon as you complete the SetUp procedure (at no extra cost), you'll get 500 contacts, with name, email, and a strong interest in what you've got to offer.

#4 Offers to Profit

If you don't have your own offer, we'll show you where to find the best offers to send to your list of contacts -- do whatever you want with this email list - but why not make some money sending to offers too??

#5 Email Swipes

We even give you 100's of email swipes that you can use to model your own messages after -- add your link -- and then hit "send" from within MailerMastermind and the message will get sent to all of your contacts!

Gives You Everything You Need to Actually Make Money Sending Email with a Proven Method That Has Worked for Over 20 Years 

Who created this mailing system?

Mailer Mastermind was created by one of my email senders - he makes over $1000 per week as a side hustle (just sending emails). He's a brilliant programmer with 20+ years experience mailing and 100's of thousands of contacts that are looking to make money online (just like you).

He prefers to remain anonymous - so, I'm overseeing the project, but this guy is a real mailing 'master' and that's what we're trying to teach you to be as well.

Do we know this will work for you, too?
Well, you'll have the contacts, you'll have the software, and you'll have the system that can make you $250... $500... $1000... $2000 per week; if you just apply yourself a little bit. If you could just focus on this for a couple weeks, build upon that and you should be able to get there as well. Of course, we cannot guarantee that you'll make a single penny -- but we do promise you'll get the training, software and system to get started -- plus, once you're set up, we'll even get you 500 emails and tell you where to get more at no additional charge.

Want to make money sending emails - with no other moving parts?

Just follow our instructions, get set up *correctly*, send out some emails, and watch the money start rolling in.

Need even a little extra money and simplicity in your life?

Use the same system that a *master* of emailing is using right now. Not some beat up concept from years ago that don't work anymore.

Looking for a real opportunity?

Stop buying those bullsh*t "get rich quick" schemes and step into something that really works.

With Mailer Mastermind, you'll get access to our software that has the 'secret sauce' to affordably send emails, training on how to get set up properly, over 500 swipe emails & training on how to rewrite them for your own sends, training on how to figure out what offers to send to, >> plus >> *500 contacts* instantly added to your list

Because Mailer Mastermind is using the same system that our behind-the-scenes master emailer is using RIGHT NOW to make over $1000 per week (just on the side), you know we're invested in making sure it works for you, too.

You've been tossed around enough with these other so-called opportunities, now you've finally found the one that really works. It's straightforward -- Send Emails, Make Money -- it's the best way to succeed in the digital marketing world for the last 25 years and still going strong. Setup will take you one or two days, you'll be able to mail to the 500 emails we give you right away. You won't find another opportinity like this at even 5 times the price.

If You Can Send an Email Message, You Can Make Money with Mailer Mastermind.

Because we know your time is limited, you need a simple money making system solution that's quick and easy-to- use.

The Mailer Mastermind system is designed to take you from newbie to 'master' as quickly as possible. In the end, it's a stupid-simple way to make money whether you already have a business or not.

Anyone  can make money sending emails with Mailer Mastermind if they just follow 4 simple steps:

  1. Set up your mailing platform properly - we show you the right way to do this in 2024 (very important now)
  2. Use Mailer Mastermind to create - grab your swipe, edit it, put in the link you want to promote and you're ready to send.
  3. Send Broadcast inside MM  - hit send from inside Mailer Mastermind and it will send to all your contacts and all your mailing platforms.
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 - once your mailing platform is connected to Mailer Mastermind, you just repeat steps 2 & 3 over and over again.

Remember, with Mailer Mastermind, YOU'LL GET:

  1. Straight-forward training, including a free mailing platform to start with & how to set it up correctly for 2024
    (Mailer Mastermind's Exclusive Training that allows you to grow as big as you want)
  2. Training on how to pick winning offers that make you money if you don't have your own
  3. Over 665 Email Swipes to Start With (and how to customize them for your business
  4. 500 interested contacts directly added to your list, "cleaned" and ready to mail 

Mailer Mastermind is a BARGAIN!

When you consider everything you get with Mailer Mastermind...

---The Complete Mailer Mastermind SYSTEM for sending emails & making money, including full training, 665+ swipes, 500 contacts on your list, and more

.Mailer Mastermind is an incredible value at just the one-time cost of $97!

If you had to figure this out yourself, it would cost you $1000's of dollars and months of your time to figure out the right way to send emails in 2024... plus, the *cost of traffic* alone to even build a simple list of 500 people would be an easy $1250 buying 2000 visitors (and more like $5000 because of all the trial and error that most people have to go through). 

With Mailer Mastermind, not only do you learn how to get set up properly - we give you 500 emails (valued at least $1000), interested and ready to mail.

There's also no risk to check it out — We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on the Full Training and access to Mailer Mastermind

Special Bonus

With your purchase of Mailer Mastermind during this introductory offer, we will also include NEW SWIPES EVERY DAY and a FOUNDERS DISCOUNT RATE of "50% OFF" on buying new leads. You'll never have to buy traffic again.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Because I know you're going to love Mailer Mastermind, I'm offering a ONE MONTH risk-free guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with the software & training you get from Mailer Mastermind, I'll refund every penny of your purchase, no questions asked. Even if it's 30 days from your purchase date!

Mailer Mastermind: Your Own "Magic Money Button" to Make Money Sending Emails

You're done buying 'get rich quick' schemes that don't work!!! 

That's why you need a simple system that just plain works! No more shiny objects, no more crypto, no more AI -- don't get me wrong, these things all have their place... but it's just marketing-speak to get your "fear of missing out" triggers flowing.

Make Money Sending Emails with Mailer Mastermind, it's worked for over 25 years and continues to work today.

For just the one-time cost of $97, you'll get:

  • --> The Complete Mailer Mastermind SYSTEM for sending emails & making money, including full training, 665 swipes, 500 emails on your list, and more
  • --> 665 Swipe Emails PLUS New Swipes every day, 500 Clean & Interested Contacts included plus a 50% OFF FOUNDERS DISCOUNT when you're ready to grow, and everything you need to finally succeed.

If you don't completely love Mailer Mastermind and the amazing results you get with it, I will refund EVERY PENNY of your purchase, no questions asked—even if you've been using it for months!

Get Mailer Mastermind Right Now

You can choose to either do it yourself or have us do it for you. Most people choose the $97 DIY option and are fine; but if you know you're the type of person that would rather pay to have us do it for you, that option is there as well.

Just click the "Buy" button below to complete your purchase of Mailer Mastermind. You'll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can pay via Warrior Plus with Visa, MC, Amex, and PayPal.

During the checkout process, you'll give given your Username & Password - so be sure to watch for it (don't worry, we'll also send it via email).

Do it yourself

Do It Yourself

Exclusive Mailer Mastermind Software

Training on Setup, Offers, & More

665 Swipes, 500 Contacts, Founder

You do the setup yourself

Done For You

We Do It For You

Exclusive Mailer Mastermind Software

Testing on Setup, Offers, & More

665 Swipes, 500 Contacts, Founder

We set it up for you


Even after everything you're read about Mailer Mastermind, you may still be on the fence.

At this point, you can go in 1 of 2 directions.

  1. Buy Mailer Mastermind
    2. Don't Buy It

It's Time to Decide...

1.  You can get Mailer Mastermind for just the one-time cost of $97.

So, what are you waiting for? Would you rather go spend another $9.95 on another Get- Rich-Quick lie *OR* just $97 one-time to finally start making money from home? Don't back out now -- learn how to become an "email master" yourself & get as many emails delivered to buyer's inboxes as you want. In fact, if you join Mailer Mastermind right now and you're not completely satisfied with it, we'll refund every penny of your purchase* -- meaning you risk nothing with this option.

2. You can ignore this offer and continue…

        wasting your time trying to set up things that just don't work

        wasting your money on so called "get rich quick" schemes

        feeling like a loser because you don't know what the 'secret ingredient' is

        getting taken advantage of by unethical so-called gurus

The choice is clear.

That's why I urge you to buy Mailer Mastermind today.

Don't Delay

This is an introductory-offer. Because Mailer Mastermind is brand new, we want as many people joining as possible. That's why we're including the swipes, the 500 contacts, the daily swipes, access to our exclusive software system, and all the other things you've read about here. We will be sending thousands of people to this page every day so you don't want to wait. Try Mailer Mastermind risk-free today to lock in the one-time rate of just $97 for life.


Harris Fellman

Co-Creator, Mailer Mastermind 

Founder of 

Digital Marketer since 1999